[neuroConstruct] GENESIS 3 Workshop Announcement

Christoph Metzner metzner at rob.uni-luebeck.de
Sat Feb 25 23:41:07 GMT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Registration is open for the
Workshop: Introduction to GENESIS 3
Luebeck, 30.April - 5.May 2012
The aim of this course is to give an introduction to the new GENESIS 3
simulation environment. There will be a varied programme of technical
lectures, lectures on computational modeling and hands-on tutorials

Invited Speakers:
James M. Bower
Avrama Blackwell
David Beeman
Hugo Cornelis
Mando Rodriguez
Volker Steuber
Upinder Bhalla

Organizers: Christoph Metzner, Daphne Krioneriti, Jens Christian Claussen
Katja Dau (GS-CMLS Events)

For details and registration please refer to the workshop homepage:


Christoph Metzner

Institute for Robotics and Cognitive Systems -- University of Luebeck
Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences -- University
of Luebeck
Dipl. Math. Christoph Metzner         tel:                 +49 451 317 931
University of Luebeck                      secretary:       +49 451 500 5201
Institute for Robotics                       fax:                +49 451
500 5202
Ratzeburger Allee 160                    mail:
metzner at rob.uni-luebeck.de
D-23538 Luebeck, Germany            www:
http://www.rob.uni-luebeck.de // http://www.gradschool.uni-luebeck.de/
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