From p.gleeson at Tue Dec 11 17:59:30 2012 From: p.gleeson at (Padraig Gleeson) Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 17:59:30 +0000 Subject: [neuroConstruct] neuroConstruct user survey Message-ID: <> Hi, We're planning some major changes to how the neuroConstruct is distributed and documented and how we get bug reports/feature requests from the user community. I'd be very grateful if anyone who's used neuroConstruct in the past could fill in this short survey (<5 mins) so we can collect your feedback on the application. Even if your only feedback is along the lines of "Tried it once, it installed ok but it wasn't for me", we'd love to hear it. We'll be reapplying for funding again soon which will keep neuroConstruct and related tools in development for years to come, so please let us know of any publications using it or other ways we've helped your research. Regards, Padraig ----------------------------------------------------- Padraig Gleeson Room 321, Anatomy Building Department of Neuroscience, Physiology& Pharmacology University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT United Kingdom +44 207 679 3214 p.gleeson at -----------------------------------------------------