From ucgbpgl at Thu Apr 12 14:05:16 2012 From: ucgbpgl at (Padraig Gleeson) Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 14:05:16 +0100 Subject: [neuroConstruct] neuroConstruct (& 2 photon imaging) course, 2-4 May 2012 Message-ID: <> Hi all, There are still a small number of places left in a course being run in London at UCL on 2nd to 4th May this year: *Introduction to compartmental neuronal modelling with neuroConstruct and recent advances in rapid 2-photon imaging* This course will give participants an introduction to compartmental modelling, present an overview of currently available tools for creating biophysically detailed neuronal networks, and give tutorials on the use of neuroConstruct and NeuroML. There will be hands on sessions where participants will be assisted in completing a project using the tools presented. There will also be a number of lectures introducing the latest advances in 2-photon imaging. For more details and to register for the course see here: No previous modelling experience is required. Regards, Padraig ----------------------------------------------------- Padraig Gleeson Room 321, Anatomy Building Department of Neuroscience, Physiology& Pharmacology University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT United Kingdom +44 207 679 3214 p.gleeson at ----------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: