[neuroConstruct] New release of neuroConstruct (v1.3.6)

Padraig Gleeson p.gleeson at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 19 14:24:19 GMT 2010


A new release of neuroConstruct (v1.3.6) has been released on the 
website (http://www.neuroConstruct.org).

This release features a number of new features and minor bugfixes. Full 
details of the changes are available here: 
http://www.neuroconstruct.org/nCinfo/RELEASE_NOTES, and a summary follows.

* Support for the MOOSE simulator (being developed as part of the 
GENESIS 3 initiative) is increased. An option for generating for this 
platform is present at the GENESIS tab. Simulations have been found to 
run 2-5 times faster on MOOSE compared to GENESIS 2. While MOOSE support 
has been tested for a number of models, it it still at the beta testing 
stage. Users are encouraged to test it out (using the latest version of 
MOOSE: http://moose.sourceforge.net/) and report any problems.

* Instead of visualising simulations in 3D to plot/analyse the cell 
activity, multiple simulation traces can be plotted quickly using a new 
tree based GUI (press "Quick Plot..." button on Visualisation tab or the 
new GUI can be run in standalone mode using: ./nC.sh -sims 

* Updated to Jython 2.5.0, so most standard Python 2.5 modules should be 
available when creating scripts to be run using './nC.sh -python'. 
Improved Python scripting documentation is available online at 

* Added simple script to allow neuroConstruct simulations to be 
loaded/plotted/analysed using NeuroTools 
(http://neuralensemble.org/trac/NeuroTools). Available at

* Added option in nC.sh & nC.bat to build source without ant (using 
'./nC.sh -make', etc.)



Padraig Gleeson
Room 321, Anatomy Building
Department of Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

+44 207 679 3214
p.gleeson at ucl.ac.uk

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