From mattioni at Wed Apr 30 00:09:37 2008 From: mattioni at (Michele Mattioni) Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 00:09:37 +0100 Subject: [neuroConstruct] source code of NeuroConstructor Message-ID: <> Hi list, how can I download the code of NeuroConstructor? I tried to run the quick tutorial but I can not run the simulation from Neuroconstruct but I'm not able to do it. I've got the error attached. When I tried to run the genesis simulation it worked. Do you have any suggestion? Regards, Michele -------------- next part -------------- 00:01:30.543> GeneratedNetworkConnections: Finished saving data to file: /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/simulations/Sim_30/NetworkConnections.dat 00:01:30.543> GeneratedElecInputs : Saving 1 inputs to file: /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/simulations/Sim_30/ElectricalInputs.dat 00:01:30.544> GeneratedElecInputs : File: /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/simulations/Sim_30/ElectricalInputs.dat doesn't exist. 00:01:30.544> GeneratedElecInputs : Finished saving data to file: /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/simulations/Sim_30/ElectricalInputs.dat 00:01:30.545> CellGroupsInfo : Request for Cell Type in group: SampleCellGroup 00:01:30.546> GenesisSettings : Looking for text for location: Type -1, Before Cells created 00:01:30.547> GenesisSettings : Found: 00:01:30.547> GenesisSettings : Looking for text for location: Type 5, Before Final reset 00:01:30.547> GenesisSettings : Found: 00:01:30.548> GenesisSettings : Looking for text for location: Type 10, After Final reset 00:01:30.548> GenesisSettings : Found: null 00:01:30.549> GenesisSettings : Looking for text for location: Type 15, After simulation run 00:01:30.549> GenesisSettings : Found: null 00:01:30.549> SequenceGenerator : Num in sequence: 1 00:01:30.550> SequenceGenerator : Num in sequence: 1 00:01:30.550> SequenceGenerator : Num in sequence: 1 00:01:30.556> GenesisFileManager : Assuming *nix environment... 00:01:30.557> GenesisFileManager : Assume we're using Gnome 00:01:31.181> GenesisFileManager : Going to execute command: --title=GENESIS_simulation___Sim_30 --working-directory=/home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/generatedGENESIS -x /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/generatedGENESIS/ 00:01:31.198> GenesisFileManager : *** ERROR*** : Error running the command: --title=GENESIS_simulation___Sim_30 --working-directory=/home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/generatedGENESIS -x /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/generatedGENESIS/ 00:01:31.199> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : User being informed of error 00:01:31.199> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : Error executing the GENESIS file: /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/generatedGENESIS/Ex1-Simple.g 00:01:31.201> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.genesis.GenesisException: Error executing the GENESIS file: /home/mattions/Work/progs/neuroConstruct_1.0.4.1/examples/Ex1-Simple/generatedGENESIS/Ex1-Simple.g 00:01:31.202> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.genesis.GenesisFileManager.runGenesisFile( 00:01:31.202> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.gui.MainFrame.doRunGenesis( 00:01:31.202> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.gui.MainFrame.jButtonGenesisRun_actionPerformed( 00:01:31.203> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.gui.MainFrame$23.actionPerformed( 00:01:31.203> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( 00:01:31.203> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( 00:01:31.204> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( 00:01:31.204> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( 00:01:31.204> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased( 00:01:31.205> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent( 00:01:31.205> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent( 00:01:31.205> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Component.processEvent( 00:01:31.206> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Container.processEvent( 00:01:31.206> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl( 00:01:31.207> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( 00:01:31.207> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( 00:01:31.207> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent( 00:01:31.208> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( 00:01:31.208> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent( 00:01:31.208> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( 00:01:31.209> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( 00:01:31.209> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( 00:01:31.209> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( 00:01:31.210> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( 00:01:31.210> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( 00:01:31.211> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( 00:01:31.211> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( 00:01:31.212> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( 00:01:31.212> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at 00:01:31.212> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : Caused by: Cannot run program "--title=GENESIS_simulation___Sim_30": error=2, No such file or directory 00:01:31.213> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( 00:01:31.213> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.Runtime.exec( 00:01:31.213> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.Runtime.exec( 00:01:31.214> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.Runtime.exec( 00:01:31.214> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.genesis.GenesisFileManager.runGenesisFile( 00:01:31.215> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : ... 28 more 00:01:31.215> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory 00:01:31.215> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.UNIXProcess.( 00:01:31.216> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start( 00:01:31.216> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( 00:01:31.216> MainFrame : *** ERROR*** : ... 32 more From p.gleeson at Wed Apr 30 10:34:26 2008 From: p.gleeson at (Padraig Gleeson) Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:34:26 +0100 Subject: [neuroConstruct] source code of NeuroConstructor In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mattions at Wed Apr 30 12:51:03 2008 From: mattions at (Michele Mattioni) Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:51:03 +0100 Subject: [neuroConstruct] source code of NeuroConstructor In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Padraig Gleeson wrote: > > Hi, > > neuroConstruct isn't currently open source, but going fully open is a key > part of funding request we're making at the moment. We've also got a new > developer starting next month who'll be looking at cleaning up the code > already and making it more modular so that others can extra functionality > more easily. > Ah ok. I've understood the code was already available. thanks. > The problem below can be fixed by either specifying "gnome-terminal -x" or > "konsole" (for Gnome or KDE desktops respectively) at Settings -> General > Properties -> Command line. The comment below that text field is a bit > misleading, but will be fixed in a new update planned for the next few days. > I've tried with the -x option but it doesn't work. I've tested this also directly from the gnome-teminal but it seems the terminal doesn't execute the command It seems it is a gnome-terminal bug With the xterm everything work as expected and it is possible to run the simulation. BTW: It's really a nice tool. Cheers, Michele. From p.gleeson at Wed Apr 30 14:26:01 2008 From: p.gleeson at (Padraig Gleeson) Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 14:26:01 +0100 Subject: [neuroConstruct] source code of NeuroConstructor In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: